When your time overwhelms you and the candles have been burning from both ends for days you are most likely to make a decision that slows your progress or reverses your gains. We all have been there and with experience have learned that pushing yourself to your limits often limits the focus needed to make wiser decisions.
Its About To Get Hot In Here!
When you take a moment to breathe and become centered, thinking about things not related to your present endeavor those AHA moments have time to take place.
It is very important that you do not let your mind become weighed down with everything you want to happen by a certain time. Recognize that you are working on fumes and take that break. A good idea is still a good idea an hour later.

Your success will come even if you slow down for a moment to regroup your thoughts and your plan.
When you have slowed your heartbeat ask for the answer and remain open for the instruction even if it does not seem to fit into your design. If everything has something in common look for the commonalities in your answer. You do not have to be known in order to realize a breakthrough but you definitely need time to contemplate.
It is very important that you rest so that you can be around to see your idea achieve the results you hoped for. Keep working towards your success and remember that BIGthinkers always find time to rest, study and work on their dreams while inspiring others..
Ken BIG Blake – I am not an expert…I just happen to make sense.
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